MARS is the warrior ACTOR in the MILKY WAY. The MAPUCHE is a warrior race, I wonder if
We do not know more about this because BOLIVIA is so poor, specially after the war with Chile, the WAR OF THE PACIFIC (sic), where Bolivia lost the ocean that only 2% or 3% of her archeological sites have been explored, there is no funding for this. Coming back to Plato's insistence that he is not talking nonsensical stuff but true accounts: "Then listen, Socrates, to a tale which, though strange, is certainly true" Plato is talking about the Atlantis. According to the available records, there were no civilisations in Egypt or in Greece in 9,600BC, nevertheless Plato says that Greece was founded when the Atlantis was destroyed; which is the same date he uses for the wars between Atlantis, Greece and Egypt; around 9,600BC
Wilson a cartographer decided to follow Plato's description of the Atlantis as if it was a geographical location; as a cartographer this is his forte. Wilson discovered that the rectangle of the ALTIPLANO is the only one in the world in size, which coincides with the measures given by Plato. Water was more abundant in ancient times in the ALTIPLANO, the two great Lakes Titicaca and Poopo were joined to the Pacific Ocean. Wilson points out that in Nahuatl A T L means water and in Quechua A N T I S means copper. Although water is long gone from the ALTIPLANO, minerals are still abundant, this includes copper. There is an alloy only found in Bolivia which fits the description Plato gives about a metal only second in value to gold; an alloy made of gold and copper, that shines like gold, it is malleable like gold but strong as copper.
how come there are traces of Tobacco and Cocaine in the mummy of Rameses II (1279-1213 B.C.)? how come there are so many words in common between MAPUZUGUN and GREEK? how come we know that Troy was real and that it was found by a dreamer, following a legend but academia is not prepared to seriously contemplate the fact that the Atlantis was ancient South America? Let alone, to consider that the rulers of this great empire might have conquered the power to make a CATASTROPHIC EXPLOSION? how come we are so proud of our Greek tradition - we reason - but are not prepared to believe one of its most famous philosophers, PLATO, when he tells us, this story is weird but it happened? As a former never-academic biologist scientist As a nonacademic self-taught philosopher,
i have been fascinated by the image
of hell since i was very young ... i had many nightmares and fears about
h e l l ... now i know and it will be brought to us by burning OIL, Middle East oil, texan oil, Mexican oil, South American oil and whatever other oil the 'masters of illusion' can stick their bloodied hands upon!
more OIL, the cycle of hell continues until, not even Dante imagined how and all this just to maintain the life
style of a group We are in serious trouble ! ! ! < top >
i knew there was a 60,000-year cycle in the worldview of the MAPUCHE i didn't know mars' cycle was also 60,000 years ! i knew the MAPUCHE is a WARRIOR RACE ...
i knew MARS is a WARRIOR PLANET From Sergio Neira For a MAPUCHE time doesn't exist if one lives with no dignity. Time doesn't exist without freedom. There is no time without love for the Earth. Time doesn't exist, peace time, if one doesn't fight to recover the stolen and fertile mother, stolen by the huinca, whom to this day has only changed uniforms and weapons. There is somebody as obstinate as
time: THE MAPUCHE NATION. From PABLO NERUDA The blood touches a gallery of quartz < top >
MAPUCHE DREAMTIME Finally the war was over, Kai Kai
abandoned the combat and submerged into the ocean. < top >
claudia raddatz >>>>>>>>>>morgana nawelbuta from her ruka>>>>>>>
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